发货期限自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期2014-09-18 16:47
基本参数品牌: | 未填 |
所在地: | 广东 中山市 |
起订: | 未填 |
供货总量: | 未填 |
有效期至: | 长期有效 |
加工定制 | 是 | 品牌 | QIBAO/奇堡 | 型号 | 587 Stainless Steel |
材质 | 砂光不锈钢球 | 规格 | 锁舌60mm或70mm 门厚30-55mm | 适用范围 | 浴室门锁 室内门锁 通道锁 密室锁 |
钥匙类型 | 3把钥匙(可选铁钥匙,铜钥匙,电脑钥匙) | 产品配置 | 1.0固定板,1.0调节圈,1.0内芯套,0.8门扣板,0.8面板锁利 | 饰面处理 | 可选砂光/亮光/红古/仿金 |
公司简介:中山市东升镇辉奇五金制品厂是中高档防盗外装门锁、球型锁、三杆锁、执手锁、卷闸锁、五金锁配件等产品专业生产加工的公司,拥有完整、科学的质量管理体系。中山市东升镇辉奇五金制品厂的诚信、实力和产品质量获得业界的认可。欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈。产品说明:产品品牌:QIBAO//奇堡产品名称:587 Entrance Lock适用范围:木门 钢质门 铁门 室内门锁钥匙类型:3把钥匙(可选铁钥匙、铜钥匙、电脑钥匙等)产品配置:1.0固定板,1.0调节圈,1.0内芯套,0.8门扣板,0.8面板锁利执行标准:符合QB/T2473-2000(外装门锁)B级标准运费说明:本公司产品单价已经是批发价,货运方式为物流,运费一律由买家承担,谢谢支持。同类型的锁胆有锌合金,全铜保安性能高,坚固耐用,钥匙无法任意配制,严格按公安部防盗标准设计制造,保安性能及防暴力破坏能力更强。符合GB21556-2008标准执行标准:QB/T2473-2000(外装门锁)B级标准适合门类:木门,钢制门等应用参数:见尺寸图适用门厚:35-55MM门边距:60MMHavethe same type ofproduct shell0.8/1.0/1.2There aredifferent types oflocksgallzinc alloy, copperThere aredifferent types oflocksgallzinc alloy, copperSecurityand high performance, rugged,keys can not beanypreparation,high securitystandardsin strict accordance withthe design and manufactureof Public Security, the securityperformanceand anti-violent destruction ofability.accord with GA/T73-94 standardAll models have lock oblique tongue insurance knob with inner BaoWai function, oblique tongue out, after being locked in for external use key can't open the lock, oblique tongue back after being locked in a short time, outdoor activities without the keyEach model are designed for security door factory specially metal door against oblique tongue, lips without the door openExecution standard: QB/T2473-2000 (rim lock) B level standardSuitable for categories: wooden door, steel door, etcApplication parameters:Applicable door thick: 35-55 mmThe door distance:60mm产品运费说明:本公司产品均为出厂价,不承担物流费用,谢谢支持!产品细节展示:饰面款式展示: