
单价 55.00对比
销量 暂无
浏览 1000
库存 1000000000起订1
品牌 辉梅科技
规格 统一规格
类型 普通型
过期 长期有效
更新 2020-10-27 23:27

深圳密码锁 自设密码锁 金属密码锁





发货期限自买家付款之日起 天内发货



更新日期2014-10-31 23:49

品牌: 未填
所在地: 广东 深圳市 深圳市
起订: 未填
供货总量: 1000000000
有效期至: 长期有效
加工定制 品牌 huimei/辉梅科技 材质 锌合金
型号 huimei/辉梅科技 适用范围 密码锁 适用于游泳浴场、桑拿浴场、高尔夫球场、健身房的更衣柜、机关、企业、学校、酒店宾馆、超市的文件 锁杆粗细 3(mm)
锁杆间距 1(mm) 颜色 银色 规格 开放式密码锁
类型 数字

产品图片-- Product pictures 产品简介-- Product introduction
密码锁 coded lock Detailed instructions一.功能特点(Features):1. 声音提示功能(voice prompts):
操作电子柜锁时有不同的声音提示When operating the electronic cabinet lock has a different voice prompts2. 灯光提示功能(light prompts):
三种颜色的灯光提示(黄色灯代表报警,红色灯代表低压,绿色灯代表开锁)Tip three colors of light (yellow light on behalf of the police, on behalf of low red
light, green light on behalf of unlocking)

3. 应急开门功能(emergency door features):1)在内部没电或电池电压不足驱动电机的情况下,可用外接电源供电开锁;
in-house without electricity or battery-voltage-driven motor in the case, can unlock
the external power supply;2)当用户遗忘密码时,可使用管理密码或跳码开锁;
When the user forgets the password, you can use the admin password or unlock codehopping;
4. 低压报警功能(low-voltage alarm function):在电压过低时,输入密码开锁后红灯闪烁并伴有四组群声报警,在低压报警后可开锁100次左右. 建议您尽快更换电池。When the voltage is too low, enter the password lock and accompanied by four flashing
red light after the groups sound the alarm, the alarm can lock in low pressure about 100
times. We recommend that you replace the batteries as soon as possible.

5. 密码位数(digit password):
User and admin password of 4-10 bits, software-digit jump code is fixed at 10
6.密码恢复(Password Recovery):
When the user forgets the password, use the admin password to unlock the same time to
complete the user password to the factory password;2)当管理密码遗忘时,长按主板上的复位开关三秒即可将管理密码恢复为出厂管理码。 When the administration password is forgotten, long press on the motherboard reset
switch three seconds to the management password to the factory management code.7. 多级密码管理(Multi-level password management):
用户密码、管理密码和跳码分级管理,用户密码和管理密码都可以根据客户需求自行修改.User password, manage passwords and code hopping hierarchical management,user and adminpassword can modify according to customer needs.8.密码保护功能(Password protection):
当密码输入错误,黄灯闪烁四次同时蜂鸣四声,如果连续输入三次错误密码,柜锁主板被锁定5分钟,此时操作按键无反应,可有效的防止恶意窃取密码.When the password input error, the yellow light flashing four beep tones at the sametime, if the continuous input the wrong password three times, the motherboard is locked
cabinet lock 5 Minutes, and the operation buttons no response, can effectively prevent
malicious theft of passwords.9. 模式切换功能(Mode switching function
独立式与开放式可通过管理密码进行切换。Stand-alone with an open switch can manage the password.10. 状态提示功能(state prompts )
在开放式模式下,可以设置在关锁状态下经灯闪烁,提示柜锁己被使用(证明此柜锁己经有人占用,此功能公适用于开放放模 式,应用于公共场所)In open mode, the lock can be set in the off state by light flashes, indicating cabinet
locks have been used (to prove this cabinet locks have been Occupation, this featureapplies to open up the public mode, used in public places)11. 乱码功能 (可选择户用乱码功能,产品出厂前未启动)
开锁密码可随意输入,只要连续输入(比如正确密码是1234,你可以 输入36582141234或123435984236,也可以36235123435962都可以开锁)包含有正确密码就可以开锁,有效防止他人旁观窃取密码。
从开始输入正确密码到结束(含随机乱码),不可超过20位,否则系统提示错误。Unlock password can be free to enter, as long as continuous input (such as the correctpassword is 1234, you can enter 36582141234 or 123435984236, you can 36,235,123,435,962
can unlock) contains the correct password can unlock, prevent others On the sidelines to
steal passwords. Enter the correct password from the beginning to the end (with random
garbage), not more than 20, otherwise the system prompts an error.12. 可选功能(Optional features)
使用PDA数据采集器可以查看近开锁的(200条开以内)记录,(包括开锁时间、开锁密码,身份),采集数据完毕后,可以在软件上或手持机上读Data acquisition using a PDA can view recently unlocked (open less than 200) records(including time lock, unlock password, identity), After collecting data, software or canbe read on handheld devices 性能特点-- Features 工作温度:-25℃ ~ +60℃Operating Temperature: -25 ℃ ~ +60 ℃工作湿度:5%RH~ 95%RH
Operating Humidity: 5% RH ~ 95% RH
静态电流:指示灯熄灭时静态电流:≤5uAQuiescent Current: indicator is off quiescent current: ≤ 5uA启动时瞬间(开锁时)电流:≤250mAinstant start (Unlock) Current: ≤ 250mA操作按键的工作电流:≤20mA
operation key operating current: ≤ 20mA
电池寿命:正常情况下,开门﹥20000次,12个月以上,欠压报警后仍可开门100次左右Battery Life: Under normal circumstances, open the door> 20,000 times, more than 12
months, under-voltage alarm can open the door about 100 times

抗静电:空气放电15KV,接触放电8KVstatic: Air Discharge 15KV, contact discharge 8KV工作电源:四节七号优质碱性电池Power Supply: Four AAA alkaline batteries quality电池电源通断电,电路不受偶然断电影响,再次通电时系统不会死机或出现异常情况battery power through the power circuit from accidental outages, the system will not
crash again, power or unusual circumstances 应用领域-- Application fields
机关、企业、学校、酒店宾馆、超市的文件柜或储物柜等. 联系方式-- contact information Q:1175377506Mobile:13480999421李先生 辉梅版权声明-- copyright statement 锁具相关产品资料中心-- Locks related product information center 酒店门锁-智能门锁-感应门锁-电子门锁酒店锁-智能锁-感应锁-电子锁更衣柜密码锁-文件柜密码锁-储物柜密码锁智能桑拿锁-电子桑拿锁-感应桑拿锁智能取电开关-感应取电开关-插卡取电开关-酒店取电开关
举报收藏 0评论 0
广东深圳市深圳市电子密码锁数字密码锁批发密码锁 广东深圳市深圳市密码指纹锁电子指纹锁智能指纹锁刷卡指纹锁 广东深圳市深圳市电子柜锁刷卡柜锁感应柜锁 广东深圳市深圳市衣柜密码锁桑拿密码锁数字密码锁
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