- 品牌/型号:Blueskysea/EN-07
- 品牌:Blueskysea
- 型号:EN-07
- 探头直径:7.2(mm)㎜
- 防水等级:IP68
- 工作长度:1000(mm)㎜
- 像素:640*480
- 照明方式:LED
- 加工定制:否
7.2mm高亮夜视防水拍照 工业USB内窥镜 电子管道摄像蛇管
High Quality and sellable 7 mm USB Digital Endoscope camera
该USB简易内窥镜具有探头直径小、探头硬管长度短、弯曲半径小、成像效果清晰、光学放大等特点。采用1/12CMOS芯片,硬件有效像素达到640*480,成像效果清晰。搭配内窥镜专用镜头,成像效果清晰出众。取景范围从2CM到无穷远,无需通过繁琐的调焦,即可获得优异的图像。内置6颗高亮LED,经过先进的装配工艺,即使在全黑的环境下,也能清晰成像,绝无“鬼影”现象。操作简单,支持UVC(USB Video Class),直接连接电脑即可使用,免去了繁琐的安装驱动的步骤。可广泛的应用于各项检测检修领域,如汽车维修,管道探测,家用寻物等。可以轻松的将探头伸进7.2毫米以上的微孔内,将内部的情况清晰的呈现在您面前,您可根据需要自由的调整灯光亮度,直至能看到最佳效果;您可以通过拍照按钮将所看到的画面拍照保存(需软件支持),您也可以将所看到的画面拍摄成录像保存(需在软件上操作)。
USB Digital Endoscope Microscope Snake Camera
- You can have this USB Endoscope to reach the place that you cannot reach but you still need to
- With ultra slim snake-type scope
- with 6 LEDs around the end of the endoscope, so you still can see in a dark environment
- USB interface,no need install the driver
- Enough for checking even a small soldering / transistor in a PCB
- The Endoscope total length is 900mm
- The diameter of the Endoscope is 7.00mm
- With the switch to control the ON/OFF of the LED (the LED can light up gradually up to your control)
- You can bend it to see around a corner or to look directly at a feature in a bore
- Driverless for Windows 2000, XP / Vista (see notes below)
- Working platforms: Windows, MAC, Linux
- Magnification: 1/10-200 times
- Photograph: Taken by the software
- Light source: LED illumiantion (USB interface)
- Focusing: 3cm - infinity
- Max Size: 7mm*1500mm
- FOV: 60°
- Pixels: 0.3m
- Display speed: 15-30fps
- Interface: USB2.0
- Waterproof