- 品牌/型号:雅歌名门
- 产品类别:整套门
- 特殊用途:防盗
- 贸易属性:出口
- 开关类型:手动
- 颜色:银白色
- 安全等级:A级
- 水密性:良好
- 材质:金属
- 金属材质:不锈钢
- 产地:广州
- 门框最大尺寸:300(cm)
- 摆锤冲击量:00(kJ/㎡)kJ/㎡
- 类型:家居防盗门
- 拉伸屈服强度:00(Mpa)Mpa
- 品牌:雅歌名门
- 抗压强度:高Mpa
- 抗风压性能:良好
- 硬度:高
- 质量等级:优质
- 弯曲弹性模量:00(Mpa)Mpa
- 门框板材厚度:9(mm)
- 风格:现代
- 使用范围:客厅
Guangzhou Fu Lam eight stainless steel doors are the main selling points:
1, stainless steel door with a variety of options: 202 # materials of domestic and imported materials, '202 # 304 #, no fingerprints Edition, 304 #, no fingerprints Edition (aesthetic needs).
2, frame pack side 11 cm, beautiful, than the need to increase the package side of similar products and increase the cost of many materials, especially for measuring external dimensions of the dealers, but also provide them with more profit.
3, 8 Fuk Lin steel gates are standard, luxury (in a seamless door as an example), high-grade type of three series, to meet different consumer groups, are configured stainless steel hinges. Three hinges, safe and practical.
4, measured with a hinged door near the whole tamper slot, the overall three-dimensional sense.
5, now with a million locks in addition to Kerry Group's stainless steel lock, password lock, but also added a fingerprint lock, double-quick lock, fit the needs of six different places, stainless steel door built-in MDF, more smooth, durable .