美国在建高楼起火 建筑工人成功跳楼逃生

   2020-07-17 聪慧网sxxjymy50
核心提示:发表于: 2020年07月17日 20时21分51秒
美国在建高楼起火 建筑工人成功跳楼逃生(1/8)

http://www.fire.hc360.com 2014年03月28日14:48 慧聪消防网 作者:刘坤苗 我要评论

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美国在建高楼起火 建筑工人成功跳楼逃生
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    慧聪消防网讯  3月25日,美国休斯顿一栋在建高楼起火,大楼在20分钟被大火包围,几乎化为灰烬。比较惊险的是,一名建筑工人在被大火包围的情况下,突然翻身跃下阳台,准确无误的跳到消防车的云梯上,成功逃生。在他刚刚跳到云梯上,墙体开始脱落,继而坍塌。(文章来源/Fire Fighting News 编译/刘坤苗)



  Five Alarm Apartment Under Construction With Aerial Saving Worker

  United States (Texas) - Houston firefighters made a daring rescue of a construction worker trapped on an upper balcony of an under-construction apartment complex as a raging fire nearly trapp


    慧聪消防网讯  3月25日,美国休斯顿一栋在建高楼起火,大楼在20分钟被大火包围,几乎化为灰烬。比较惊险的是,一名建筑工人在被大火包围的情况下,突然翻身跃下阳台,准确无误的跳到消防车的云梯上,成功逃生。在他刚刚跳到云梯上,墙体开始脱落,继而坍塌。(文章来源/Fire Fighting News 编译/刘坤苗)



  Five Alarm Apartment Under Construction With Aerial Saving Worker

  United States (Texas) - Houston firefighters made a daring rescue of a construction worker trapped on an upper balcony of an under-construction apartment complex as a raging fire nearly trapped the man. The helmeted worker stood on an upper-floor balcony Tuesday as a five-alarm fire engulfed the $50 million, 396-unit apartment complex at W. Dallas and Marconi Sts. in downtown Houston.

  The worker waved for help before hanging down and jumping to a lower balcony as the inferno became too intense.

  Firefighters got the ladder in place just in time. As the worker climbed aboard and the ladder was moved away from the building, the burning walls began to fall, crashing down where the construction worker and firefighter had been just moments before.

  No injuries were reported in the blaze, which officials believe was sparked by workers welding on the roof.

  The incredible inferno was seen raging from miles away as it completely overtook the luxury building that was just months from completion.

  More than 80 units and 200 personnel with the Houston Fire Department were dispatched to the scene, according to authorities.

  "We had to rescue one construction worker ... (he) was at the point of jumping," Capt. Ruy Lozano told KPRC.

  Houston fire officials, who reported all construction workers as accounted for, were dispatched to the scene at about 1:30 p.m.

  With the help of wind gusts reportedly up to 25 mph, within 30 minutes the fire had upgraded from a three-alarm to a four-alarm fire.

  "The fire is heavily wind-driven and firefighters are working to protect nearby structures," the fire department stated.

  Ironically, the 396 unit building has drawn heat long before Tuesday's fire.

  As KHOU reported it was built just feet away from century-old headstones in Magnolia cemetery.

  Houston resident Trisha Keel vented to the station: “I could sit on their patio and prop my feet on top of the gravestone. It’s too close."

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