位于帝都798艺术区的白盒子之家,应亚太区首家JDV品牌酒店之邀,首次在酒店空间中展出当代艺术家颜磊最具代表性的作品新彩轮系列之《增加剂量》,隋建国最具代表性的雕塑作品《中山装》与王书刚青铜作品《拿鸟的男人》。于流金铄石的八月,在首北兆龙饭店一同感受当代艺术的美,体验三里屯街区又一处新潮空间与当代艺术的完美结合! The first Joie de Vivre brand hotel in Asia Pacific invites The Whitebox Choice, located in the 798 Art District, to exhibit the most representative work of contemporary art: the sculpture "Chinese Tunic Suit" by Sui Jianguo, the new color wheel series "Increase Dose" by Yan Lei and the bronze pieces “Men with the bird” by Wang Shugang. In August, discover the beauty of contemporary art at BEI Zhaolong Hotel. Experience the perfect combination of the Joyful trendy space in Sanlitun with contemporary art!
Concept Artist Yan Lei, graduated from China Academy of Art. Yan Lei is unique in Chinese contemporary art circles. The ambiguity of his work reflects the artist’s contemporary art creation: being vigilant and thinking about all kinds of problems. Yan Lei has participated in many international large-scale exhibitions. He won the most outstanding artist award of China contemporary art. In the new color-wheel series "Increase Dose", Yan Lei divides the colors into 18 shades, grouped together in the form of a circle to form a color wheel. These colors are rich and gorgeous, concentric circles with a dizzy psychedelic effect, all revealing Yan Lei’s consistent nihilistic worldview, as well as a manifest with hotel growth ring, elaborated the perfect integration between art and lifestyle.
雕塑艺术家隋建国现为中央美术学院教授,在他三十多年的艺术实践中对创作观念、作品形式、媒介选择、时空检验等多个方面都有所理解和认识。隋建国多次举办个展、参加国际艺术群展,是国际舞台上最具影响力的雕塑艺术家之一。展览在酒店一层临街落地窗区域的雕塑艺术品《中山装》,采用水泥材质铸造而成,结构细巧,还原了传统中山装的肌理特质,同时契合了BEICommune空间里的大面积水泥装修风格。艺术家将意识形态转化为手感与触觉,将成为这一时代的文化缩影和历史记忆,深深触动着我们每一个人。 Sculpture Artist Sui Jianguo is now a professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts. During his 30 years-long artistic experience he has gained a good understanding and knowledge of many different aspects, including the creation of new concepts, new ways of work, media selection, challenging time, and space. Sui Jianguo has held many solo exhibitions and participated in international art group exhibitions. He is one of the most influential sculpture artists in the international panorama. Sui Jianguo's sculpture artwork "Chinese tunic suit" will be exhibited at French windows at the Entrance Ground floor of the hotel. It casts with cement material and fine structure restoring the original texture of the traditional Chinese tunic suit, perfect match with the decoration style of BEI Commune space. The artist transforms ideology into feel and touch, becoming the cultural epitome and historical memory of this emotional era for everybody.
雕塑艺术家王书刚毕业于中央美术学院雕塑系,曾多次参加国内外大型艺术展览并举办个人艺术作品展。在最新创作的人物群像中塑造了一群把玩太极球和逗鸟的男人。这些青铜作品表现了具有北京特色的城市景象——一幅宁静祥和的画面,在北京旧城的街头巷尾随处可见。此次展览在BEICommune空间入口处的是《拿鸟的男人》用北京当地文化欢迎着每一位到来的宾客。 Sculpture artist Wang Shugang graduated from the Sculpture Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts; he has participated in many prestigious art displays both at home and abroad and held personal art exhibitions. The newly created characters include a group of men playing Tai Chi in the company of some birds. These bronze works express a typical Beijing local scene: a peaceful picture that can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys of Beijing's old city. The “Man with Birds” artwork is standing at Hotel second floor, at entrance of BEI Commune to welcome each guest in Beijing local artistic way.
“艺术与酒店服务业之间并无边界,尤其是当JDV品牌个性中最大的一部分是诠释【快乐】时。”首北兆龙饭店总经理宝拉女士道,“我们将愉悦的服务连接与人们的关系,让他们感受到空间中不同艺术品带来的灵感启发。我们支持本地社区及当地艺术家们,当您身在其中时,您能感受到这种温暖。” Sculpture artist Wang Shugang graduated from the Sculpture Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts; he has participated in many prestigious art displays both at home and abroad and held personal art exhibitions. The newly created characters include a group of men playing Tai Chi in the company of some birds. These bronze works express a typical Beijing local scene: a peaceful picture that can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys of Beijing's old city. The “Man with Birds” artwork is standing at Hotel second floor, at entrance of BEI Commune to welcome each guest in Beijing local artistic way.
“当我们了解到首北兆龙饭店对艺术的愿景时,立刻感受到他们是想借艺术告诉大众如何跟生活发生关系,这一点非常契合白盒子之家举办过的‘家美术馆’和‘再空间’的核心表达。”白盒子之家馆长孙永增先生直言“把空间之间的关系处理成艺术,这是我们共同的诉求。” Sculpture artist Wang Shugang graduated from the Sculpture Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts; he has participated in many prestigious art displays both at home and abroad and held personal art exhibitions. The newly created characters include a group of men playing Tai Chi in the company of some birds. These bronze works express a typical Beijing local scene: a peaceful picture that can be seen everywhere in the streets and alleys of Beijing's old city. The “Man with Birds” artwork is standing at Hotel second floor, at entrance of BEI Commune to welcome each guest in Beijing local artistic way.
八月,开启新的艺术之旅,无需再去画廊,您可于首北兆龙饭店,欣赏这些斑斓色彩和明暗关系的映照与流动,原本虚幻的彩轮又回到真实和生动中。 The new art journey starts this August! This time, instead of going to an art gallery, enjoy the reflection of color flow with a light-dark contrast and the original illusory color wheel coming back to reality and vividness at the BEI Zhaolong Hotel, a Joie de Vivre hotel.
For more details, please follow the official account of BEI Zhaolong Hotel, a Joie de Vivre hotel or call +8610 8541 0000.