
   2020-10-03 幕墙网sxxjymy40
核心提示:编辑:门窗资源网 坤书
五月,繁华似锦,绿荫如海,在遥远的欧洲大陆,一切都显得那么的热情洋溢,生机盎然。在集团潘伟深董事长的高瞻远瞩和精心部署下,华昌铝业集团欧洲分公司在德国第二大城市汉堡隆重开业。   In May, all things are flourishing. In the distant European continent, everything seems so enthusiastic and full of vitality. Under the great vision and deployment of the group Chairman Pan Weishen, the European branch of Huachang Aluminum Group grandly opened in Hamburg, the second largest city in Germany.   借助国家“一带一路”战略和中欧经贸合作的不断深入和发展,华昌铝业集团加速推进其海外布局。在已有香港分公司,澳洲分公司,新西兰分公司的基础上,把华昌的产品和服务带到了欧洲,把对品牌的认知和对客户满意度再度提升了一个档次。   With the help of the national “ the Belt and the Road” strategy and the continuous deepening and development of China-EU economic and trade cooperation, Huachang Aluminum Group has accelerated its overseas deployment. Based on the existing Hong Kong branch, the Australian branch, and the New Zealand branch, Huachang's products and service have been brought to Europe, and the brand awareness and customer satisfaction have been upgraded to a new level.   经过近30年的不断发展,华昌铝业集团从一台挤压机起步,发展成为旗下包括伟昌铝材,华赛特门窗,格兰科五金配件为一体的铝业综合性国际集团,现今产品远销海外60多个国家和地区,其中伟昌铝材更是常年位列全国出口前三甲。   With nearly 30 years of continuous development, Huachang Aluminum Group started from one extrude machine and has developed into a comprehensive aluminum international group including Guangdong Huachang Aluminum Factory Co.,Ltd , Guangdong Vasait Windoors Facades Co.,LTD and Guangdong Grenco Accessories Co.,LTD. Our products are exported to more than 60 countries and regions , of which Huachang aluminum ranks TOP 3 in China for export.   欧洲分公司的设立是对华昌铝业集团产品和品牌的肯定,也是鞭策,西方先进的管理理念和对产品精细度的执着将助推集团的再一次腾飞。相信在潘董事长和集团的大力支持下,欧洲分公司必定能取得佳绩,不辱使命,创造新的更大的辉煌!!!   The establishment of the European branch is an affirmation of the products and brands of Huachang Aluminum Group, and it is also a spur. The advanced management concept of the West and the persistence of product fineness will boost the Group's take-off again. It is believed that with the greatest support of Chairman Pan and the Group, the European branch will surely achieve good results, and create new and greater glory!*
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