有趣的灵魂终究会相遇 天行创世纪正在等你……

   2020-07-17 IP属地 火星聪慧网sxxjymysxxjymy50
核心提示:发表于: 2020年07月17日 16时11分11秒
   【慧聪教育网】森林公园里教书,天然氧吧里学习。这可能不是你的生活,但可能是你将要做的工作,说不好是你的事业。 Teaching in the forest park, study in the natural oxygen bar. This may not be your life, but it may be the work you will do, it could be your career probably.

如果你打算来我们这儿上班的话,我们是天行创世纪,几个月前安了新家,正如你环所未见,天行内有溪流,东界洪崖丹井,南北是参天蔽日的森林,自然人文都不落下,不出意外,洪崖的音乐也是可以感知得到的,总之这地儿很适合教学、教人、教事、教学问、教创意。 If you plan to come to work with us, we here are Teensen Genesis, set up a new home just a few months ago, as you may haven't seen, there is a stream in the campus, eastern boundary stands Hongya Danjing, north and south stands a forest with towering trees, both Natural and humanities won't be left behind. Not surprisingly, the music from Hongya is also perceivable, in short, this place is basically very suitable for teaching, to teach people, to teach knowledge, and to teach creativity.

一大批优秀的老师已加入天行,在创世纪创事业,如果你也想来尝试创事业的成就感,带着你还有你的才华一起,我们希望你是有教育情怀,有有趣灵魂的那种老师。毕竟,好看的皮囊千篇一律,有趣的灵魂万里挑一。无论你是亲和力满分的邻家“学长”、是行云流水的“仙系”大神、还是寓教于乐的“热点达人”。如果你敢于挑战自己,如果你不甘于平淡,那么,不早也不晚,天行创世纪在等你!唯有这里配得上你有趣的灵魂! A large number of excellent teachers have joined Teensen, to create a career in Teensen Genesis, if you want to try to create a sense of accomplishment, come with your talent, we hope you are the teachers, with sentiments of education and interesting souls. After all, Good-looking skins are the same, but interesting souls are one out of ten thousand. No matter you are a amiable“senioror”you are the “god of the fairy”or even a master who is good at teaching with fun. If you dare to challenge yourself, if you don't want to be bland, well, not too early or too late,Teensen Genesis is waiting for you! Only here is worthy of your interesting soul!

薪酬福利待遇 01 年薪 本科以上应届毕业生10-12万;初级教师12-15万;中级教师16-20万;高级教师21-28万;学科带头人30-35万;特级教师 35-40万;管理岗位23-40万。 02 福利待遇 1.缴纳五险一金,带薪寒暑假、结婚生育红包、生日礼物等福利待遇。 2.提供住宿及工作餐。 3.享受子女就读学费减免福利。凡在8月30日前,成功应聘入校的教师,即可享受天行创世纪提供的子女就读学费减免福利,价值约75万元。 4.我们将为您提供具有市场竞争力的全面薪酬保障,未来的薪酬增长空间将综合您个人的贡献与能力成长以及学校业务的发展而决定,每年都会有调整薪资的窗口期。 在这里你的子女免费读我们所有学位,价值大于75万! Here your children can get a charge-free education, worth more than 750,000 yuan! 桃李不言,下自成蹊,几度指引足换满腔敬意 春蚕吐丝,蜡炬成灰,一朝为师能做半生榜样 Peaches and plums do not speak, but they are so attractive that a path is formed below the trees, several guidance may get full respect in return. Spring silkworms spit silk, wax torch turns into ash, once a teacher can be a role model for half a life. 我们诚聘以下有识之士 We sincerely invite the following people of insight

招聘流程 01 网上报名 本次招聘采取网上报名,请扫描下方二维码,下载电子版报名及资格审查表。表格填写后发送至我校邮箱nctxcsjhr@126.com,我校将进行资格审查,报名时间为即日起至2020年7月31日止。


02 资格审查 2020年8月1日至8月5日完成资格审查,资格审查合格者将被电话通知参加面试。 03 面试 面试采用试讲/说课等形式。

04 体检 面试通过者,进入体检环节,体检费用由应聘者承担。 各岗位详细招聘要求请参考:前程无忧招聘网&万行教师招聘网 搜索“南昌创世纪”。 招聘电话: 18870814660 刘老师 15270966844 邹老师 招生电话: 13367093636 李老师 工作地点: 江西省南昌市湾里区七彩路499号。
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