玻车间门璃纤维格栅Glass fiber grating宏强

   2013-04-09 IP属地 火星791
询价留言推荐给朋友玻璃纤维格栅Glass fiber grating宏强http://www.qjy168.com/shop/disp_provide_.html 玻璃纤维格栅 优质防Glass fiber grating  玻纤格栅是玻璃纤维土工格栅的简称。 Glass fiber grating is glass fiber grille abbreviation.  是土工格栅中档次高的一种。 Grille is next to the middle of a kind. 钢制门 以玻璃纤维无碱无捻粗纱为主要原料,采用一定的编织工艺制成的网状结构材料,为保护玻璃纤维、提高整体使用性能,经过特殊的涂复处理工艺而形成新型优良的土工基材。 With glass fiber non-alkali roving in as the main raw material, adopting certain weaving process mesh structure made of materials for the protection of glass fiber, enhance the overall perfo工程门rmance, through special processing technology and the form实木门ation of a new S铸铁护栏hanghai juji good soil base material.  以上展示的是玻璃纤维格栅Glass fiber grating宏强相关内容,主要包括玻璃纤维格栅Glass fiber grating宏强价格、产地等参数,还可以直接联系供应商询问价格噢!
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