
单价 3.00对比
销量 暂无
浏览 1000
库存 10起订1
品牌 尹维琦
规格 统一规格
类型 普通型
过期 长期有效
更新 2020-04-16 19:21





●剪纸是中国最为流行的民间传统装饰艺术之一,剪纸可用于点缀墙壁、门窗、房柱、镜子、灯和灯笼等,剪纸作为我国民间艺术的瑰宝,具有强烈的民俗色彩。剪纸艺术在我国对外国际文化交流中享有很高的声誉,被许多外宾视为收藏佳品!●Paper-cut is a picture cut out on a paper with scissors.The picture patterns are often pasted on the lintels, windows or lanterns to express the feelings of joy and the percepions in life.Hence the scissors-cut is also known as "scissors-picture" or "paper-cut for window decoration".The patterns are often designed from events in the jubilant festivals,bumper harvest of the folk opera,children or animals and others.They are very beautiful and interesting, and are windely popular among Chinese people.●The art of paper-cut may be traced back to a perild as early as the ancient South and North Dynasties.It appeared at the same time of discovery of Chinese paper making and is still prosperous across China.The paper-cut of the south is delicate and beautiful, and those of the north are robust and energetic,The paper-cut art has become one of the magnificent and beautiful flowers in the Chinese national artistic treasures.

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