
单价 130.00对比
销量 暂无
浏览 1001
库存 59945起订1
品牌 奇澳电子
规格 统一规格
类型 普通型
过期 长期有效
更新 2020-10-29 06:42






发货期限自买家付款之日起 天内发货



更新日期2014-08-18 10:47

品牌: 未填
所在地: 广东 中山市
起订: 未填
供货总量: 59945
有效期至: 长期有效
加工定制 品牌 之光 型号 S300-D
类型 LED探照灯 防护等级 III 光源功率 5(W)
电压 4(V) 主要适用范围 野外作业/民用应急/治安消防巡逻 包装 彩合
电源型号 4V铅酸电池 生产地 广东省中山 颜色 迷彩

防雨水·防爆·防跌破·过电保护·弱光·强光·闪光·可充电 ·Water-proof·Explosion-proof·Impact-proof·Overcharge protection·Dim light·Strong light·Flash light·Rechargeable轻触式双开关数码探照灯Soft-touch Double Switch Digital Searchlight高亮度、低功耗Highluminance, low consumption免维护电池、免外购灯泡Maintenance-free Battery, Outsourcing-free Bulb射程远约500米Max range is about500m中山奇澳电子科技有限公司/Zhongshan QiAo Electronic Manufactory 功能及名称简介(图解)Diagram5W LED灯珠5W LED Bulb透光镜片Lens灯头盖Head Cover复位开光Off Switch 转换开光On Switch充电插座Plughole背带Belt灯体Light Body尾灯Back Light 附带:AC/DC电源充电配置器1只背绳1条Parenthesis: AC/DC Charger * 1Belt * 1 产品特点及适用范围: 本产品是一种实用可靠的充电式双开关探照灯,采用长寿命和高亮度LED大功率灯珠,加以聚光的技术,有效地提高了照射范围和照射距离(有效射程约500米)。内部电池是增强型密封式免维护蓄电池,其性能具放电时间长和充放电循环次数高等特点(可达300次以上)。 本产品具有外形美观、使用方便、数码调光、同时外接尾灯照明、安全耐用等特点。适用于夜间钓鱼、现场勘察、刑侦追捕、巡逻值班、救灾抢险、夜间作业、野外探险等。 Introduction: This is a long-life and powerful high-brightness LED rechargeable searchlight with double switch design and super-spotlight technology, it improve the lighting range and distance efficiently(can reach500m). It use Enhanced Sealed Maintenance-free Lead-acidBattery(can be recharged more than 300 times). This digital-controled product has a gorgeous design which’s easy and safe to use. It’s very suitable for fishing at night time, field work, crime scene investigation, guarding petrol, night camping, or power failure emergency. 确保长期、正确使用的注意事项 1.产品随灯充电器输出额定电压约:DC5.5V(空载),不能随意更换其规格型号充电器。 2.在每次使用放完电后立即进行充电,充电时间约12~15小时。切忌将电池处于无电状态,否则会造成电池失效。 3.在长期不使用时,每隔三个月必须给本产品充电一次作电池保养,否则会减短电池的使用寿命。 4.清浩外壳污垢时,请用蘸有稀释的中性冼涤剂的布轻轻擦去污垢,然后再用干布擦拭。切忌放入水中清洗。 !Warning: 1. Charge immediately when battery is nearly empty, The charging time is 12~15 hours.DO NOTleave the battery empty over a long period of time, otherwise it’ll be damaged permanently. 2. It’s life will be shorten unless charge at least once every 3 monthes for 6 hours. 3. When cleaning the shell, please use a cleaning-cloth dipped with dilute neutral detergent, and make clean with a dry cloth after that.DO NOTwash the light in water. 使用方法: !警告:由于灯光极强,切勿随便对着人眼照射,谨防造成伤害。 1、照射 ①按次转换开关,前灯亮起,此时是弱光; 按次转换开关,灯变亮,此时是强光; 按三次转换开光,灯闪亮,此时是闪光; 按四次转换开关,尾灯点亮,前灯熄灭; 按五次转换开关,关闭所有功能。 ②任何工作状态按一次复位开关,即可关闭所有功能。 任何工作状态长按两秒转换开关,即可关闭所有功能。 2、充电 将外置随灯充电器的交流插头插至交流电源插座上,另一端DC插头插至探照灯尾部插座中。充电时:红指示灯亮;满电时:红、绿指示灯亮。 !注意:充电时,灯体内发生微热是正常现象。 Directions: !Warning:DO NOTshoot the eyes directly with the light, it would damage the eyesight. Operation ①The first time press the switching button, the front light function. Normal brightness; The second time press the switching button, the front light gets brighter. High brightness; The third time press the switching button, the front light flashes; The Fourth time press the switching button, the buttom light function, while the front light off; The fifth time press the switching button, all lights’ off. ②Press the off-switch button under any working condition, all functions’ off. Press the on-switch button for 2 seconds under any working condition, all functions’ off. Charging Put the AC charger in the AC220V/110V socket, while the other DC head in the fishing light’s bottom socket. When charging, the red light function; when the battery’s fully charged, the red light and green light function. !Caution:It’s normal that the lightshell become tepidity when charging.
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广东中山市探照灯充电线 广东中山市大功率led/led/led照明/led产品/led手提灯/led应急灯/探照灯 广东中山市led探照灯/大功率手提灯/数码探照灯 广东中山市12v55w/65w卤素灯/12v55w灯/探照灯 广东中山市LED激光炮/LED手提灯/探照灯/大功率探照灯
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