
单价 5.50对比
销量 暂无
浏览 1002
库存 48550起订1
品牌 横沥奥利
规格 统一规格
类型 普通型
过期 长期有效
更新 2020-10-30 13:12

厂家供应内六角可调脚 U形可调脚 内六角口可调脚





发货期限自买家付款之日起 天内发货



更新日期2014-09-13 02:28

品牌: 未填
所在地: 广东 广州市 广州市
起订: 未填
供货总量: 48550
有效期至: 长期有效
品牌 ARTSME雅斯美 名称 家具可调垫脚 型号 117
适用范围 桌子、家具、橱柜、展示柜 规格 117高 是否提供加工定制

奥利弗雅斯美五金,真诚为您。挚诚与广大国内外客户携手合作,共同创造辉煌美好的明天。 Dongguan Hengli Aolifu Hardware Products Factory(“Aolifu Artsme Hardware”)is an integratedenterprise company that is specialized in furniture hardware accessories and other hardwareaccessories of research, development, production and sales.Since it was established for manyyears,Aolifu Artsme Hardware have set up a scientific management system and comprehensive qualitymanagement system. Aolifu Artsme Hardware adhere to the high quality products as a guide, persistin the faith of quality of survival, credit of development. Through advanced technology system management and with the professional advantages of furniture hardware ,and sincereservices, we have had the support and trust of customers,our products have been sold notonly all over the country but also other aboard country areas.
Aolifu Artsme Hardware will always be the spirit of “high quality,honesty ,innovation, forge ahead”,and insist on“quality first, customer first “as our principle, continue to explore and innovation. For the future, we will always ensure the quality commitment, provide good services to sincere cooperate,and we will be mutually beneficial purposes to go hand in handwith our customers and to achieve a“ win-win situation”.
Aolifu Artsme Hardware, sincerely for you.A warm welcome to customers both home and abroad with the cooperation to create a bright future.
举报收藏 0评论 0
广东东莞厂家供应优质白色玻璃门磁碰、玻璃门双门磁碰单门磁碰玻璃门铰 广东东莞厂家供应优质黑色玻璃门磁碰、玻璃门双门磁碰单门磁碰玻璃门铰 广东广州市广州市厂家供应三合一层板托三合一层板连接件层板托 广东广州市广州市厂家供应优质正反床铰正翻床铰壁柜床床铰床铰配件壁柜床铰 广东广州市广州市厂家供应折叠拉杆铁拉杆柜门支撑杆柜门折叠拉杆、柜门拉杆 广东广州市广州市厂家供应优质自由停支撑、柜门油压支撑、柜门气压支撑翻门拉杆 广东广州市广州市厂家供应35mm塑料孔塞40mm孔盖 广东广州市广州市厂家供应壁柜床五金侧翻床铰床铰侧翻床铰配件壁柜床铰配件
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