发货期限自买家付款之日起 天内发货
更新日期2014-10-28 21:46
基本参数品牌: | 未填 |
所在地: | 山东 滨州市 博兴县 |
起订: | 未填 |
供货总量: | 39999000 |
有效期至: | 长期有效 |
材质 | 彩钢 | 产地 | 山东 | 规格 | 0.8*1219*C |
抗压强度 | 强 | 品牌 | 金利来 | 用途 | 用于机械、汽车、自行车、家具、宾馆和饭店装饰 |
规格:0.5*1219*C,0.7*1219*C,0.8*1219*C,4.0*1500*C温馨提醒:【价格、图片、产品属性、仅供参考,具体以实物为准,欢迎来电咨询】彩色涂层钢板:彩色涂层钢板具有优异的装饰性、成型性、抗腐蚀性,涂层附着力强,可以长期保持色泽新颖。由于彩色涂层钢板能取得以钢代木、施工、节约能源、防止污染等良好的经济效果,成为当今制造建筑板材的理想材料。Color Coated Steel Sheet: Color coated steel sheet with excellent decoration,formability, corrosion resistance, coating adhesion, to keep their original color. As the color coated steel sheet can be made of steel and wood, efficient construction, energy conservation, pollution prevention, good economic results, become an ideal material formanufacture of building boards.彩色涂层钢板是近年国际上迅速发展起来的一种新型带钢预涂产品。在高速连续化机组上经化学预处理、初涂、精涂等工艺精制而成。涂装质量远比成型金属表面进行单件喷涂或刷涂的质量更均匀、更稳定、更理想。彩色涂层板以具有优势的装饰性、成型性、抗腐蚀性,涂层附着力强,可长期保持色泽新颖。由于彩色图层钢板能取得以钢代木、施工、节约能源、防止污染等良好的经济效益,成为当今制造建筑板材的理想材料。 Color coated steel is a new building materials which rapidly rises in recent years in the world. Through the chernical pretreatment,the first coating, precision coating processes to refine,In meanwhile made the quality higher than than the metal coating formed on the surface of single spray or brush, which is more uniform,more stable and better. Color coated steel sheet has excellent decoration, formability,corrosion resistance, coating adhesion, keeping their original color for long time. Because it can take the place of wood with efficient construction, energy conservation,pollution prevention,good economic results,it has become an ideal material for manufacture of building boards,powadays.