- 品牌:安葳科技
- 型号:AP1514A-GT
- 封装形式:SOP/SOIC
- 类型:数字集成电路
- 用途:线性
- 功能:LED芯片
- 导电类型:单极型
- 封装外形:扁平型
- 集成度:中规模50~100
- 工作电源电压:220V
- 最大功率:7W
- 工作温度:-40~85℃
- 外形尺寸:4*4mm
- 加工定制:否
- 功率:14W
- 驱动芯片类型:LED 驱动IC
- 针脚数:16PCS
- 封装:TSSOP16
- 属性:属性值
The AP1514 is capable of driving multiple seriesconnected LEDs. The AP1514 sense rectified ACinput source voltage to modulate LED current whichcan in phase input voltage to implement high powerfactor and high efficiency. AP1514 is a highvoltage process chip with internal regulator togenerate bios voltage which supports IC internalcircuit. The AP1514 also has internal power switchto minimize external components.
The AP1514 consists of four switches to modulateoutput LEDs series numbers and adjust current levelto fit input sin wave. The AP1514 also hasfeed-forward compensation to compensate linevoltage variation. The AP1514 has LD/SD serveas shut down controlled by external intelligentcontrol box. The LD/SS also has linear dimmingcontroller interface for DALI control dimming.
The package of AP1514 is TSSOP-16. Whichsuitable for LED lighting like MR-16, E-17,E27…and so on applications.
安葳科技股份有限公司 (Anwell Semiconductor Corp.) 是一家设计经验丰富、具备专业知识及创新能力的研发人才公司。团队成员致力于半导体产业均有十余年资历,目前主要专精于模拟IC设计,经由研究与开发,安葳科技目前将模拟IC应用于震荡器与电源管理方面,并依客户多元化的应用需求,提供由设计、测试至整合等的完整服务。