
单价 780.00对比
询价 暂无
浏览 1002
品牌 鸿鹄志远
规格 志远
类型 普通型
过期 长期有效
更新 2019-02-12 00:00



If passion is a Holy Land, and that you are precisely has entered where Welcome to the world of the Smart Core A1 select Smart Core series products will be your most intelligent choice Ming Rui! Passion what it means? Of course, everyone has their own view, however, there are indeed common: the passion is always with excitement as partners, and Chi Core A3 same. Decoration at the top reflects the core technology alone that convincing and shocking appearance process, at the same time, Chi Core A1 the Smart Core series based on increase the pit wind capacity super-wide chassis can also bring people lasting visual impact. the bottom of the door with a double row level telescopic grid more durable, kingly heritage, all of whom spirit a Chan!


高度:1600mm   宽度:925mm   机头顶梁宽:480mm   机头长:400mm   拉开间隙:335mm


主料:55mm*45mm   副料:44mm*35mm   低梁:38mm*25mm   顶弯:50mm*25mm

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