
单价 面议对比
询价 暂无
浏览 1000
发货 浙江绍兴市柯桥区
库存 10000起订1
品牌 柯桥自动
规格 定制
类型 普通型
过期 长期有效
更新 2020-01-08 15:48



  • 品牌: 平治光学
  • 形状: 定制
  • 颜色: 定制
  • 尺寸: 定制
  • 厚度范围: 定制
  • 材料: 定制
  • 主要用途: 定制
  • 规格: 定制






Restore the original picture painted Shenzhen Mercedes Benz developed a Blu-ray optical detection filters, this Blu-ray detection filters, using a special vacuum coating technology developed, can at the same time shielding the blue color can also ensure that the original premise quality. The following is a Shenzhen Mercedes Benz R & D Blu-ray optical detection filters experimental comparison pictures of principle experiment at first a brief introduction. Uses two LED TVs, manufacturers developed a certain function blue LED having an anti-TV, a LED ordinary TV. We detected blue lenses can be drawn on top of two distinct color contrast. The blue light detected prior to the LED TV lens, said lens yellowing television emits blue; no blue lens yellowing. Shenzhen Mercedes Benz-developed optical detection filter harmful blue light head can be widely used in Blu-ray detection applications, such as laser welding shop, Green Eye TV and other stores.

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