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库存 9440起订1
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更新 2023-11-07 07:00


联系:王经理 17706217278  QQ:1545642433



 High Speed Doors are designed for fast open and close, allowing people or equipment to move quickly through the opening. When properly applied, they can increase environmental separation, productivity and safety, and reduce maintenance costs.


 在工业门的研究、发展、生产和安装上,西朗是一个大的生产商,产品通过ISO9001质量管理体系,获得欧洲CE安全认证和许多国际荣誉。SERANG is the one of the largest manufacturers that specialized in research and development, production and installation of large industrial doors The products passed ISO9001 quality managdivent systdiv, and get the European CE safety certification and a number of national honor.



 We provide 12 month warranty for all product and accessories.And custom made door size/color/material.We can provide free samples to all clients,And make specifical design accordingly to clients requirdivent.




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