
单价 25000.00对比
询价 暂无
浏览 1000
品牌 开门红科
规格 KMH-CPSB-01
类型 普通型
过期 长期有效
更新 2020-03-30 00:00



3.1 Operation Flow Chart of kaimenhong Traffic System


1.Vehicle Enter

①The vehicle enters the license plate camera capture area, triggering the camera capture.

②The license plate recognition system automatically captures the image of the vehicle and recognizes the license plate number,the vehicle category is then derived by searching the database.

③The display shows the car's validity(VIP car or monthly car)Or balance(Stored value car),welcome Indications etc.

④Voice playback about identified license plates,welcome Indications etc.

⑤If parking space is not full, the vehicle enter into it,the barrier release automatically,and the vehicle entry time is recorded. When cars crosses the entrance, the parking space display refreshes the parking space.The whole process is done automatically,no staff intervention required.The vehicle is always in motion,non stop.

2. Vehicle Exit

①The vehicle enters the license plate camera capture area, triggering the camera capture.

②The license plate recognition system automatically captures the image of the vehicle and recognizes the license plate number,the vehicle category is then derived by searching the database.

③The display shows the car's validity(VIP car or monthly car)or balance(Stored value car).Amount charged(Temporary car),goodbye indications etc.

④Voice playback plate number and payment and goodbye indications etc.

⑤If the vehicle is a stationary vehicle,gate automatically open.The computer pulled the capture image of the car when it entered and admission time, etc.If it's temporary parking that the vehicle must be suspended for payment before leaving.If the vehicle in the blacklist, the gate will not be turned on, whether temporary or stationary, and the system will send out an alarm to alert the staff.

⑥Vehicles crossing the exit and leave the parking lot, the system records the departure time of the vehicle ,then the parking space screen refreshes the parking space.



3.2 Basic functions and characteristics of the system

Fully automatic management of fixed vehicles ,and semi-automatic management of temporary vehicle ,the system reduce vehicle transit time and saving time for drivers, realizing full intelligence management. 

①Avoid trouble with card reader installation and maintenance.

②Car owners don't worry about trouble with IC cards lost.

③Unique rolling led electronic display, local language available so that owners and managers read easily.

④Staff reduction and efficiency improvement.

⑤Save the cost of the IC card won’t worry about the lack of IC cards.

⑥It can be operated in conjunction with the police alarm system to effectively combat illegal vehicles and assist in social security management.

⑦There are anti-lifting levers, full unloading, photoelectric control, and high-quality hood gates with accurate balancing system.

⑧Reliability and adaptability of digital vehicle detection system. 

⑨The brake device ensures that the brake lever will not fall if it is parked under the brake bar, whether it is an approaching vehicle or a reversed vehicle.

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