- 品牌:ZW
- 型号:860
- 电压:220v
I. Main Technical Parameters
<1. Voltage of power supply: 220V-240 AC voltage
<2.输入功率: 60W <3.输出电压: 0—-100KV
<2. Input power: 60W <3. Output voltage: 0—-100KV
<4.最大输出电流: 250uA <5.电磁阀电压:直流12V
<4. Maximum output current: 250uA <5. Voltage of solenoid valve: DC12V
1.调压旋钮顺时针电压增高。1. Voltage-Adjustment Button Clockwise direction for voltage increase
2.高压指示最高100KV。2. Voltage Indicator Maximum 100KV
3.电流最大指示200Ua。3. Current Indicator Maximum 200Ua
4.送粉旋钮:“拉出”(既释锁)顺时针粉量增大正常气压指示3-4Kg。4. Powder Feeding Button:“Pull”(既释锁)Clockwise direction for powder volume increased, normal air pressure indicator is 3-4 kg
五.操作说明V.Operating Instruction
<1.按上图接好一切连接线路及气路。<1. Connect all the connecting lines and air tubes according to the above sketch map
<2.打开电源开关(亮灯)<2. Turn on switch of power supply (lighting indicator is on)
<3.按枪开关调整所需电压(个人而定,建议60KV-80KV)<3. Press the switch of spray gun to adjust voltage required (set by inpidual, voltage recommended is 60KV-80KV)
<4.粉末装入绒毛粉桶。<4. Powder is placed intoflock fibers container
<5. Press the switch of spray gun and adjust to high-voltage. Start work if the powder is sprayed.