- 品牌/钻孔型号:巴洛斯
- 颜色:白玻
- 艺术类型:镶嵌玻璃
- 厚度:5.8.10(mm)mm
- 产地:武汉
- 莫氏硬度:8
- 透光率:80
- 品牌:巴洛斯 吊装门
设计手法:水立方绣花布Design: the water cube
Designers combined with twww.mczyw.comhe water cube conception, but not completely copy the design, designers want to simplify the cutting process, collage is simple, repeated experiments, to create another characteristics of each element of the same water cube shape, suitable styl太阳能电池e: modern minimalist, Jane, post luxury, pastoral, technology etc..'更多>本企业其它产品
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